Do DIY hair masks really work?
DIY hair treatments can be hit or miss. You may have heard of ladies covering their hair in mayonnaise, or even eggs and mayonnaise…You’ll be happy to hear that we’re not a fan of either of those DIY hair masks!
Do DIY hair masks really work? Yes. Yet, it does depend on your concoction! There are plenty of ingredients you can find at home, or your local supermarket, that can work wonders on your hair.
Below you can find our top 4 favourite DIY hair masks that ACTUALLY work.
Avocado & Olive Oil
Now this sounds a tad better than putting eggs and mayo on your hair, right? This concoction is an incredible DIY hair mask. Not only are avocados great for food dishes, they can also play a pivotal role in your hair care routine.
All you need is one healthy and ripe avocado and two teaspoons of olive oil. Grab yourself a bowl, mash up your avocado (remove the skin and stone of course) and sprinkle in your oil and give it a good mix. Depending on how much hair you have, separate it into at least four sections and using a basting brush, apply it to your hair. Try and stay away from your roots, as your hair produces oil naturally, so you won’t need to pay attention to these areas.
Milk and Honey, Honey
Suffer from dry and brittle hair? Milk and honey may be your new best friend! All you need is a couple of cups of milk and two teaspoons of your favourite honey. Again, grab a bowl and mix the two ingredients together. Separate out your hair into sections and apply a generous amount to each one. Leave the mixture until your hair completely absorbs it, and after about 20 minutes, give it a rinse. That’s it!
Cinnamon and Coconut Oil
Cinnamon is known to help stimulate blood circulation (think limp plumpers) and help promote growth and strength, so it comes as no surprise that it can be used in your very own DIY hair mask. Simply mix together equal parts of cinnamon and coconut oil and apply to your scalp and roots. Gently massage it into your scalp and leave it to sit for at least 30 minutes. Burns a little? Don’t worry, that means it’s working!
Pumpkin, Honey, Avocado and Olive Oil
Now here’s where you start to get a little adventurous. Pumpkin is full of minerals and vitamins, including potassium and zinc, which makes it a great ingredient when it comes to making your own DIY hair mask. If you have any spare pumpkin purée laying around, now is the PERFECT time to use it! What will you need? 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 avocado, 1 cup of pumpkin purée and a tablespoon of olive oil.
Mash, or blend, the pumpkin purée and avocado together and then add honey and olive oil. Apply it to the ends of your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair. This mask will help draw moisture into your hair and aid growth and nourishment!