Reasons to Get a Manicure

Manicure benefits

Often overlooked but almost always on show, many of our clients are surprised at how telling their hands can be in terms of the work they do, their beauty and self-care regime, and even their age.

Fingernails in particular can very quickly giveaway signs of a vitamin deficiency in the body, can not just show but highlight the dirt on your fingers, and can be perceived as everything from too long to too short, too colourful, and too bland.

Here at Boilerhouse, manicures are among our most popular treatments – favoured by those who want to treat themselves to well-kept, aesthetically pleasing nails. But when it comes to a professional manicure treatment, it’s not all about the looks.

Here are some of the reasons why a manicure is recommended as part of a nail care routine.

What do healthy nails look like?

Fingernails are made of a protein called keratin and should naturally have a consistent pink-y nude colour all the way to the white tip. For those who are well versed in manicure terminology, a naturally healthy nail is essentially a more toned down version of the iconic French manicure, whereby the tips are made whiter, and the main body of the nail is given a pink sheen.

In addition, healthy nails are smooth to touch and look at, should have no dents or obvious signs of discolouration, and should grow consistently.

Signs that your nails could be indicating an underlying health issue

The difficulty here is that lifestyle can and often does have a big impact on the aesthetic appearance of your fingernails – however there are a few telling signs to look out for that something else might be wrong.

Flaky and weak nails can often mean that you are not getting enough vitamin D, while white patches under the nails are generally a sign of calcium deficiency. Some other signs to look out for include:

  • Unnaturally pale nails – a sign of anaemia or heart failure
  • Brittle and cracked nails – could indicate a thyroid issue
  • Blue tone to the colour of nails – a sign of bad circulation
  • Yellow tone to the colour of nails – could indicate a fungal infection
  • Overly textured nails – could indicate psoriasis
  • Dark lines under the nails – a potential sign of cancer, that you should get checked immediately

The simple fact is our fingernails can tell us a whole lot about what’s going on in the rest of the body – and we should be caring more about how they look and feel. Here are a few more reasons why a manicure is a worthwhile investment (as well as a lovely treat!)

Reasons to get a manicure

Manicured nails

Promote healthy nail growth

Just as with the hair on your head, when you keep your fingernails trimmed and in good condition, you promote healthy growth. This is because treatment and frequent attention promotes healthy cell renewal, deep cleans and removes any bacteria, and prevents the nails from drying out.

Improve blood circulation

A manicure is not just a means of maintaining your nails, it also treats your whole hand to a deep cleanse and massage – something which promotes healthy circulation throughout the hands and fingers.

A chance to use cuticle oil

When you visit the salon for a manicure, your hands will be exposed to a number of products which offer various benefits – one of which is cuticle oil. Cuticle oil is applied and rubbed into the fingertips and nails, before a small tool is used to push the cuticles back and tidy the base of the nail bed. Not only does this keep your nails moisturised, but it increases cell rejuvenation, nail growth, and healthy circulation by protecting the nail and keeping its foundation clean.

Keep your hands in great condition

Finally, a manicure is the very best treatment that you can get which pays attention to your fingernails and hands – combatting dryness, exfoliating dead skin and skin cells, and pumping rejuvenating moisturiser into the nail beds and across the skin. A manicure is not just a treat for the nails, but for the whole hand – and if you need any more convincing it is also a relaxing and highly enjoyable experience.

Book your manicure today

Here at Boilerhouse, manicures are just one of the treatments that we offer – providing our clients with the benefit of our expertise in beauty and wellbeing treatments. To book your manicure or to find out more, visit us or get in touch directly

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