Understanding and Treating Split Ends

Understanding and treating split ends

We are all familiar with the concept of split ends, noticing them when we carefully examine the tips of our hair, and see that the individual strands are split into sections towards the end.

But just because we know what split ends look like, and recognise the need to trim them, that doesn’t mean we necessarily understand why they occur and what causes them. Which is where this blog comes in.

Let’s take a closer look at what causes split ends, why they occur, and how to minimise the chance of developing split ends after your next trim.

What causes split ends to occur?

Split ends present themselves exactly as you would expect – with a split at the end of the individual strands of hair. Interestingly, despite the minute size and diameter of a single strand of hair, there are a handful of different ways that a split presents itself, with a double split which creates a ‘Y-shape’, a partial split, or branched split which is separated into several sections of hair.

These splits are caused by breakage within the strands of the hair, which can be caused by excess stress to the hair, as well as environmental factors and a lack of good nutrition.

Some of the habits and lifestyle factors that we commonly link to split ends include:

  • Over brushing wet hair
  • Applying shampoo too vigorously
  • Tightening the hair into a bun or ponytail, putting pressure and stress on the follicles
  • Using heated tools too frequently
  • Not using conditioner and conditioning products often enough
  • Exposing the hair to chemicals on a frequent basis

Can split ends be reserved?

This has a very simple answer: no. Split ends cannot be reversed, though the habits and factors which weaken the hair and cause split ends can absolutely be halted and reversed for long term hair health.

If you want to treat your split ends, you need to first remove them and then adopt a series of haircare routines and lifestyle changes that minimise the risk of split ends and establish an underlying strength in every strand of hair.

How to minimise the chance of split ends developing?

Hair care for preventing split ends

Following a hair trim, there are certain things you can do to minimise the chance of split ends developing again. The first and most important thing to do is care for your hair with nourishing and conditioning treatments, ensuring that your hair remains smooth and manageable without the need to drag a brush through it too harshly.

While there are no specific treatments which genuinely eradicate the risk of split ends, investing in a regular conditioning is a good way to enrich the hair and scalp. What’s more, taking the time to let hair dry naturally where possible, and protecting it from chemicals and environmental factors as often as possible can help to keep hair strong and healthy.

Nutrition also has a major role to play in the health of your hair, both across the scalp and in the formation and growth of new strands. Hair care supplements can go some way to granting your body access to the nutrients it needs, although we believe it is just as important to overhaul your own diet and ensure that you are getting plenty of vitamins and minerals in a natural and healthy way.

Finally, remember that your hair may feel strong as a whole, but the individual strands can be delicate without proper care and maintenance. Don’t brush too hard, don’t apply product too vigorously, and indulge in regular treatments and trims to assess and improve the overall health of your hair.

The best way to tackle existing split ends

With split ends unable to be reversed or resealed, the only way to tackle existing split ends is to book a hair trim and get them cut off. Generally, your hairdresser will recommend cutting a few millimetres or even centimetres above the start of the split ends, to ensure that all the damaged hair is removed and that you are left with healthy and strong ends.

As part of treatment, you can ask your hairdresser to recommend the best approach to hair care to minimise the risk of split ends reestablishing themselves in your hair – with the Boilerhouse team well versed in a multitude of options for clients with different hair types and specific needs.

Book your appointment today and let us help you say goodbye to split ends forever.

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